Sweet as Natural Wild Raw Honey

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Sweet as natural wild raw honey

Streptomycin, Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, Nitrofurans metabolites, Sulphonamides, Trimethoprim, Glyphosate and Glufosinate are really some of the words we do not want to connect with our food in general. Unfortunately, we often find these ingredients in honey as the bees and the hives have been treated with antibiotics and chemicals leading to residue finds in the honey. 

In order to avoid any nasties in our honey ByNature, we traveled up north with a degree or two of west in close proximity to the Cambodian border. Here lives a friend and businessman turned farmer and gatekeeper of nature. Some years ago he invested in a huge beautiful plot of land along with his family. In sync with nature they are finding what nature naturally brings to us and among many finds, is our new honey.

During our visit there, we discovered that bees were making their own hives and living in sync with nature for the most part. Our new raw honey comes from natural hives created by the bees on the land owned by our partner – this is the kind of honey we are interested in. 

The process is quite simple as the honey is raw and all-natural. Nature does most of the work. Once the honey is extracted from the honeycombs we strain it and pour it into sanitized jars with a bit of honeycomb for you to enjoy. 

What is the difference between wild raw honey and others?

One huge difference from wild raw honey and the honey you often find on the shelves in the supermarket, is that raw honey has not been pasteurized or otherwise treated. Pasteurization will destroy the natural yeasts, pollen, enzymes and antioxidants found in honey. On the other hand, it will also remove any debris and air bubbles making the honey more aesthetic pleasing to the eye. 

Glucose oxidase is the enzyme behind what some may call ‘an old wifes tale’ about the benefits of honey when ill. It is however the enzyme that is part of the process producing the molecules giving honey its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. The good news is that this enzyme is still present in raw honey. (Not always so in pasteurized honey due to the heat treatments). 

Raw honey is loaded with the antioxidants phenol and flavonoids – most commonly found in plant sap – hence honey. Both said to have antiinflammatory properties. Another noteworthy factor is that honey has a high-mineral content such as potassium and iron. 

Be mindful that wild raw honey is just that and not heat treated which allows for the natural growth of clostridium botulinum – a bacteria that can be harmful to infants (and in rare cases children and adults). 

Email: info@bynature.vn

Website: bynature.vn

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