Nuts About Nuts! 

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Nuts about nuts!

Let’s just get one thing out of the way by saying that nut butter and nuts by DAT BUTTER are absolutely amazing. Their all-natural products have a taste that will please most, if not all, nut connoisseurs. It is rare to find an all-natural nut butter with the smooth creamy texture that characterizes DAT BUTTER’s products. 

Having said and meant all of that, what I really wanted to focus on in this blog post, are the people behind the people – the farmers! 

DAT butter is working with a group of 16 ethinic minority family farmers in Ha Tinh, Son La and Cu Chi. 

These families work hard year-round. They face the same issues as any farmer at large, mainly, a bad harvest with little or low quality products that cannot be sold or sold for a very low price. In general many farmers turn to unwanted herbicides and pesticides to kill any disease to prevent pests to take over the produce. Over time, using toxic chemicals affect first and foremost their own health and well-being, but it also produces harmful food for consumption. “After each pesticide spray, my body is often very tired and it takes me 2-3 sick days to get better. I know it is bad for my health, so I don’t want to do so anymore.” 

It is a step in the right direction for farmers to acknowledge the impact that the chemicals has on their health and their products. The next step is where DAT BUTTER comes in, to support an all-natural farming method keeping the farmer safe; and the consumers healthy and happy. 

By committing to buying all the crops (farmed all-natural) at a specific pre-agreed price DAT BUTTER is not only stabilizing the income of the farmers, but also providing a future for these families. 

The DAT BUTTER farmers are receiving support and guidance on how to grow all-natural sustainable peanuts and cashew nuts. But it does not stop with the farming process, they are also provided with individual skills and training to further their expertise and knowledge in food processes as well as business skills. Each farmer is thereby empowered to create a healthy business allowing them to break the poverty cycle.



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