Hydroponic – What Is It Exactly?

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Hydroponic farming is becoming increasingly popular and for a good reason if you ask us.

When you live in locations where the soil may be contaminated by pesticides, herbicides or where it is not unlikely that the neighbouring farm is using chemicals for their crop, looking for other solutions to grow all-natural produce is one way to go.

It is likely that you already have a mini hydroponic garden in your home as sales of these have exploded the past years, however we are talking huge container hydroponic gardens, where the produce is grown vertically on easily movable ledgers. In one swift you turn your vertical ledger to become horizontal and you can nurture each plant carefully. Once finished with the row you return to an upright position using the already installed support system.

Despite giving life to plants, the soil and water is also the largest risks of contamination for produce. You can grown produce in clean soil, but the water might be contaminated or vice versa.

We work in close collaboration with SAITEX Farms who imported a hydroponic farm, I know, how to import a farm? but quite simple actually. There are companies building hydroponic container farms, ready to, but that is just the beginning.

Having all the outer perimeters, knowledge and expertise on how to grow produce is also a quite important element. This is where the professors and agricultural experts enter the story.

Plants need nutrition to grow and require a number of essential elements in the root zone, including the macronutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium and magnesium,  iron, manganese, zinc, boron, copper, molybdenum, chloride and nickel. Plants are like people, they all have different needs to flourish, hence different nutritional solutions are made for different produce.  

These elements are added to the water in specific quantities which is used for the plants. In our case the waster used for the plant has tested completely clean, and added with the nutrition above they provide the best of all possibilities for produce to be harvested with an amazing natural taste.

Not growing in soil as we know it, the roots still need a medium to grow in. In this case it is a combination of the following ingredients: Canadian sphagnum peat moss, coconut husk, perlite and plant based proprietary polymers and composted tree barks. A carefully calculated formula based on these ingredients form the basis for the plants to grow.

Email: info@bynature.vn

Website: bynature.vn

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